Friday 24 January 2014

Farewell Aisya!

Today was Aisya's last day, but we made it fun instead of sad. Thank you Aisya for the thoughtful gifts and we wish you the best as you travel back home to Indonesia!

For the rest of you, don't forget the maths test on Monday. Please make sure to study the review sheet I handed out today-it has everything you need to know to do well on your test!

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Price :)


  1. bye class
    i hope you all have a wonderfull life in the futere.
    i forgot my princess sweater at school.
    so if one of my friend in class is kind can like send my sweater
    to indonesia.
    if your kind and would like to do it you can mail me
    because we don't have a house yet.
    i'm very sad. you guys are the best friends ever!!!!!!!!!
    if you forgot my blog or email it is here
    blog :
    email :

    bye my best class!!!! 4en is the best!!!!!!

    love aisya hafidz from 4en

    1. and i'm going to indonesia in 26th of january on sunday.
      you can bring or send my sweater to my house in sweden.
      I live in wenner gren center blog E 22
      bye 4en!!!!!!!!!!!
