Monday, 7 September 2015

Week 36

Dear all,

This week was a mixture of the good and the not such good weather. We have got into the swing of things with most subjects now and we can rest assured that this week we will discussing goals and grades in much more detail. 

This week on Tuesday, we have had an assembly where I have taken a discussion on the importance of sleep. As a middle school our theme for September will be sleep, the importance of sleep and why it is important to know how much sleep we need. We will be working with this theme in greater depth every Tuesday morning during our class meeting time.
At the start of every month I will be taking a new middle school assembly and introducing a new theme. 

We have started with our Mathematics work this week. The children have been given Homework Books which correspond to the work we do in class. Please make sure these stay in good condition by keeping them away from water and moisture. They will need to be at school every lesson of Maths we have. 

Social Studies
We have started the year in Social Studies by looking at Maps and Mapping. We will look closely at different World map projections, different types of maps with different scales and then we will concentrate on Topographical Maps. We will also be using these extensively in PE with Orienteering. Check out the album on the blog called Map Skills!

PE has started well. Although there were some very shocked children when I told them we were going outside when it was raining on Wednesday. As stated previously we will be outside until Week 44. Please bring appropriate PE gear. Every lesson we have had at least two children in incorrect PE gear. Orienteering will be our main focus for the foreseeable future in PE, which carries a lot of weight in the Swedish curriculum and makes up a large part of grading for 6th Grade. I am hoping our Hiking trip on Friday released a little enthusiasm about forests and the outdoors, as we will be spending a lot of time in them over the next few weeks.

We will start a new Personal Project next week which will give the children the chance to express themselves and introduce themselves to the class. The children are keeping a reading log in their homework journals and these homework journals are to be handed in every Tuesday. 

Please help your child to cover their books ready for next week. 

Mr W

1 comment:

  1. Hi 6EN I safely made it back to Australia with a wonderful trip. I started school quiet a while a go about 9 weeks. I am happy that my holiday is about to start. In that two weeks I'll be going camping for a week with friends. I am missing you guys and Sweden sooo much. Good bye Dan
