Tuesday 17 December 2013

Our first week in NZ

Hello my lovely class...I thought I would write to you and tell you a little bit about our first week here. We flew for a very long time and when we arrived we were very tired. It took us almost a whole week to recover, but in between we have done lots and lots of fun things. We have been to the beach many times. We have eaten a lot of ice cream...Hokey Pokey of course and another one called Goody Goody Gum Drop...it is as good as it sounds! We have ridden our bikes a lot. we have been swimming a lot. I have been surfing and it was so much fun! Benji and Bella have been running around without any clothes on a lot as well. It has been very hot, around 25-30 degrees which is fabulous!
Tomorrow we are going to the beach!
Thinking of you all
Mr Wilkinson

ps... click on this to see some photos from this week

pps...I haven't shaved my beard yet!

ppps...find out what ps stands for (you never stop learning!).


  1. good one mr. wilkinson!

  2. Wow it looks so nice in new Zealand
    I miss you!Maya
